Articles | Volume 20, issue 1
Research article
28 Feb 2017
Research article |  | 28 Feb 2017

Neutron imaging investigation of fossil woods: non-destructive characterization of microstructure and detection of in situ changes as occurring in museum cabinets

Giliane P. Odin, Véronique Rouchon, Frédéric Ott, Natalie Malikova, Pierre Levitz, and Laurent J. Michot

Data sets

Data from: Neutron imaging investigation of fossil woods: non-destructive characterization of microstructure and detection of in situ changes as occurring in museum cabinets Giliane P. Odin, Véronique Rouchon, Frédéric Ott, Natalie Malikova, Pierre Levitz, and Laurent J. Michot

Short summary
This paper discusses the applicability of neutron imaging techniques for probing the internal microstructure of pyritized fossil woods upon wetting and drying, two phenomena occurring in museum cabinets and endangering the specimens. We tracked the water diffusion through samples in situ and obtained information on wood pore size, network and internal structure. The differences help to understand the distinct macroscopic behaviors and determine the consequences of moisture variations in museums.