Articles | Volume 24, issue 1
Research article
07 Apr 2021
Research article |  | 07 Apr 2021

A new Eocene Bacanius species (Histeridae: Dendrophilinae) from Baltic amber

Vitalii I. Alekseev and Andris Bukejs

Video supplement

Bacanius gorskii Alekseev et Bukejs sp. nov., holotype, 8619 [CAG], X-ray micro-CT volume rendering of the habitus. Andris Bukejs

Bacanius gorskii Alekseev et Bukejs sp. nov., holotype, 8619 [CAG], X-ray micro-CT volume rendering of the antenna. Andris Bukejs

Short summary
Clown beetles (Histeridae) are insufficiently studied in fossil resins. The aim of the present research is to describe a new species of Bacaniini from Eocene Baltic amber. The specimen is studied using X-ray micro-computed tomography, imaged and compared with fossil and extant related beetles. A mixed sporophagous–predaceous diet in rotten wood of fallen and standing trees was assumed to be the ecological niche for the fossil species.