Articles | Volume 17, issue 1
Research article
20 Feb 2014
Research article |  | 20 Feb 2014

A morphometric approach to conch ontogeny of Cymaclymenia and related genera (Ammonoidea, Late Devonian)

C. Klein and D. Korn

Abstract. Representatives of the Late Devonian ammonoid family Cymaclymeniidae were studied for their conch ontogeny. Two methods were applied: (1) the analysis of classical morphometric conch parameters and (2) an outline analysis of the aperture using elliptic Fourier analysis. Application of both methods leads to similar results, allowing a separation of some of the species by means of their ontogenetic pathways. The new species Procymaclymenia ebbighauseni n. sp., Cymaclymenia subvexa n. sp., Cymaclymenia formosa n. sp., Cymaclymenia lambidia n. sp., Cymaclymenia carnata n. sp., Cymaclymenia aulax n. sp., Cymaclymenia serotina n. sp. and Postclymenia calceola n. sp. are described in the systematic part.
