Articles | Volume 18, issue 1
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© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
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Facies, origin, and palaeontological inventory of an Early Carboniferous neptunian dyke in the Devonian reef limestone near Rösenbeck (Brilon Anticline, Rhenish Mountains)
F. Heuer
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Geotechnik und Bergbau, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße 2, 09599 Freiberg, Germany
Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Invalidenstraße 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany
AMU Isotope Laboratory, ul. Dziegielowa 27, 61-680 Poznan, Poland
V. Hairapetian
Geology Department, Esfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, P.O. Box 81595-158, Esfahan, Iran
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Michael Wegerer, Kenneth De Baets, and Dieter Korn
Foss. Rec., 21, 223–236,,, 2018
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Two morphometric methods are applied for the analysis of suture lines in Early Carboniferous ammonoids: (1) classic metric data using multivariate statistic methods and (2) outline data are analysed using the elliptic Fourier analysis. Both methods lead to similar results and demonstrate ontogenetic and phylogenetic trends in these ammonoids: (1) a general decrease in the amplitude of lobes and saddles, (2) a proportional widening of the external lobe, and (3) a heightening of the median saddle.
Michael Ramming, Dieter Korn, Carina Klein, and Christian Klug
Foss. Rec., 21, 67–77,,, 2018
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Selected specimens from the Jurassic ammonoid Pararnioceras sp. revealed striking changes in the conch morphology due to a syn vivo growth through a parasitic serpulid. Changes in its ontogenetic development are compared with specimens without epizoans. The ecological interpretation of the morphometric data allows the conclusion that the host possessed the ability to counteract the parasitic conch abnormalities by adapting the housing growth, thus ensuring its survival.
Martin Schobben, Sebastiaan van de Velde, Jana Gliwa, Lucyna Leda, Dieter Korn, Ulrich Struck, Clemens Vinzenz Ullmann, Vachik Hairapetian, Abbas Ghaderi, Christoph Korte, Robert J. Newton, Simon W. Poulton, and Paul B. Wignall
Clim. Past, 13, 1635–1659,,, 2017
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Short summary
Stratigraphic trends in the carbon isotope composition of calcium carbonate rock can be used as a stratigraphic tool. An important assumption when using these isotope chemical records is that they record a globally universal signal of marine water chemistry. We show that carbon isotope scatter on a confined centimetre stratigraphic scale appears to represent a signal of microbial activity. However, long-term carbon isotope trends are still compatible with a primary isotope imprint.
A. L. Titus, D. Korn, J. E. Harrell, and L. L. Lambert
Foss. Rec., 18, 81–104,,, 2015
A. Ghaderi, L. Leda, M. Schobben, D. Korn, and A. R. Ashouri
Foss. Rec., 17, 41–57,,, 2014
C. Klein and D. Korn
Foss. Rec., 17, 1–32,,, 2014
Related subject area
Earth System Science and Global Change
Baghuk Mountain (Central Iran): high-resolution stratigraphy of a continuous Central Tethyan Permian–Triassic boundary section
Aras Valley (northwest Iran): high-resolution stratigraphy of a continuous central Tethyan Permian–Triassic boundary section
Rostrum size differences between Toarcian belemnite battlefields
Dieter Korn, Lucyna Leda, Franziska Heuer, Hemen Moradi Salimi, Elham Farshid, Amir Akbari, Martin Schobben, Abbas Ghaderi, Ulrich Struck, Jana Gliwa, David Ware, and Vachik Hairapetian
Foss. Rec., 24, 171–192,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Permian–Triassic boundary sections at Baghuk Mountain are investigated with respect to their lithological succession, biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy. Ammonoids enable the clear separation of Wuchiapingian, Changhsingian and Dienerian assemblages. Early Triassic microbialites occur in various horizons. The carbon isotope curve shows a late Changhsingian negative excursion and the lightest values at the base of the Triassic.
Jana Gliwa, Abbas Ghaderi, Lucyna Leda, Martin Schobben, Sara Tomás, William J. Foster, Marie-Béatrice Forel, Nahideh Ghanizadeh Tabrizi, Stephen E. Grasby, Ulrich Struck, Ali Reza Ashouri, and Dieter Korn
Foss. Rec., 23, 33–69,,, 2020
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The Permian–Triassic boundary section of the Aras Valley (NW Iran) shows a complete sedimentary succession, bearing great potential for studying the change of environmental conditions that paralleled the end-Permian mass extinction. The lithological succession; carbonate microfacies characteristics; stable isotope dynamics; and conodont, ostracod, and ammonoid stratigraphy allow for a detailed study of the chronological succession of the events.
Patrícia Rita, Kenneth De Baets, and Martina Schlott
Foss. Rec., 21, 171–182,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
With the support of CT data, a morphometric analysis was performed with the aim of investigating the rostrum size differences between two Toarcian belemnite accumulations. A decrease in size from the Early Toarcian to the Middle Toarcian is recognized. It is also demonstrated that diameter-based measurements or maximum preserved length are not reliable proxies for rostrum size, and therefore apical length or three-dimensional approximations are more advisable.
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Short summary
The Devonian reef limestone complex of Rösenbeck near Brilon (Rhenish Mountains) shows numerous neptunian dykes and other hollows which have been filled with Carboniferous siliciclastic as well as fossil-rich carbonate sediments with ammonoids, conodonts, and chondrichthyan fish. These carbonates represent erratic blocks of sediments which were deposited in elevated areas but subsequently eroded and transported as erratic blocks into the karstic cavities.
The Devonian reef limestone complex of Rösenbeck near Brilon (Rhenish Mountains) shows numerous...