Articles | Volume 20, issue 1
Research article
21 Feb 2017
Research article |  | 21 Feb 2017

A re-examination of the enigmatic Russian tetrapod Phreatophasma aenigmaticum and its evolutionary implications

Neil Brocklehurst and Jörg Fröbisch


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Short summary
Phreatophasma is a mysterious species from the middle Permian of Russia. Since its description in 1954, it has been assigned to many different groups: therapsids (the most diverse of middle Permian terrestrial vertebrates), caseids (one of the earliest herbivore lineages), and seymouriamorphs (a Permian amphibian clade). Using recent knowledge of morphology and state-of-the art analyses, we confirm that Phreatophasma is one of the youngest members of Caseidae, the second member to enter Russia.