Articles | Volume 23, issue 1
Research article
 | Highlight paper
21 Feb 2020
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 21 Feb 2020

Aras Valley (northwest Iran): high-resolution stratigraphy of a continuous central Tethyan Permian–Triassic boundary section

Jana Gliwa, Abbas Ghaderi, Lucyna Leda, Martin Schobben, Sara Tomás, William J. Foster, Marie-Béatrice Forel, Nahideh Ghanizadeh Tabrizi, Stephen E. Grasby, Ulrich Struck, Ali Reza Ashouri, and Dieter Korn


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Short summary
The Permian–Triassic boundary section of the Aras Valley (NW Iran) shows a complete sedimentary succession, bearing great potential for studying the change of environmental conditions that paralleled the end-Permian mass extinction. The lithological succession; carbonate microfacies characteristics; stable isotope dynamics; and conodont, ostracod, and ammonoid stratigraphy allow for a detailed study of the chronological succession of the events.