Articles | Volume 24, issue 1
Research article
23 Mar 2021
Research article |  | 23 Mar 2021

Osteology of the Permian temnospondyl amphibian Glanochthon lellbachae and its relationships

Rainer R. Schoch


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Short summary
The 296 million year old rocks of Odernheim (Germany) preserve numerous fossils of fishes and amphibians (temnospondyls) of Permian age. This site is exceptional for yielding two large temnospondyl predators: the 2 m long Sclerocephalus nobilis and 1.5 m long Glanochthon lellbachae. A revision of G. lellbachae reveals that it forms the most ancient relative of the genus Glanochthon, a gracile fish eater, and that the origin of this group can be traced back to the genus Sclerocephalus.